Post pregnancy guide


1) Post pregnancy: What is postpartum means in Pregnancy?

Postpartum is the period of time after the birth of your baby when your body is changing back to normal. it last about  6 weeks or until your uterus returns to its normal size.

The recovery time for body depends on the lifestyle of the mother and the support she gets from her family.
Some lady recover to normal within 6 months by taking healthy food and doing regular exercise to loose the fab gained after pregnancy.

2) Post pregnancy:- Is there any special care i will need to take after delivery?

Soft belly:- It is normal for your belly to be soft and will tighten up with exercise.
Rest:-you will need extra rest. however with caring for and feeding a new baby, there is not much time to rest. because you must feed the baby day and night, you may need to change your sleeping schedule to get enough rest.

Try sleeping while the baby sleeps. morning and afternoon naps can be very helpful.

Pain relief:- if you delivered the bay normally through the birth canal, pain is the area between rectum
and vagina is common.
To relieve the pain and prevent infection, you can sit in a warm bath, put cold packs on the pain area, or put warm water on the area with squirt bottle or warm pad, sponge etc.

It is also important to wipe yourself from the front to back after a bowel movement to prevent infection.
if sitting is uncomfortable, you may want to buy a doughnut shaped cushion to help ease the pressure when sitting.
Bleeding and discharge:- You will have a vaginal discharge for 2 to 6 weeks after the delivery. sometimes it may last longer. it may come out in gushes or more evenly like a menstrual period.
The discharge will start out red and slowly change to pink and finally a yellow white color.

Do not use tampons for the first 6 weeks after delivery.

you will need to use pads because tampons may bring bacteria into your body while it is still healing and cause infection.
Constipation and haemorrhoids: it is common to be constipated or have discomfort from haemorrhoid after delivery.
For constipation, try eating food rich in fiber and drinking lots of liquids. do not use any medicines to loosen your bowel movements without first asking your doctor.
Breast soreness:- your milk will come in about 2 to 4 days after your child is born. this may make breast very large, hard. and sore. this will get better once you start breast feeding routine.
To help with pain and discomfort, wear a well-fitting support bra and put ice packs on your breasts.

Hair loss: once the baby is born, hair loss increases, don't worry about it as it will settle down soon.

3) Post Pregnancy: When can i start doing normal activities?

If you had a normal delivery without any problems, you can get back to doing most of your normal activities right away. you should still take it easy and avoid heavy lifting, vacuuming, and a lot of stair climbing for the first couple of weeks. if you have had a caesarean section( c section), you will need to avoid heavy lifting for 6 weeks. exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight, get more energy, relieve stress, and build your strength. unless you had a c-section, difficult birth, or other pregnancy problem, you can usually start exercising as soon as you feel up to it. if you have had a c section, you can usually start exercising in 6 weeks.

4) Post pregnancy: When will my period start?
If you are not breast-feeding you baby, you may start having menstrual period 3 to 10 weeks
after delivery.
If you are Breast-feeding, there is no specific time when your periods will start again. it may not happen until after the first 6 months of breast-feeding, but it could happen earlier.If you are planning to have sex, please wait for 6 weeks and use precaution  to save yourself  from conceiving again.

5) Post pregnancy: When can i have sex again after pregnancy?

The number of weeks you should wait before having sex depends on your specific situation. because it takes approximately 6 weeks for your uterus to return to normal size, many doctors recommends that all
mothers wait a full 6 weeks.
it is normal to feel uncomfortable at first when you start having sex again after childbirth.

talk to your doctor about methods of birth control you can use after the birth of your baby. it may not
happen until after the first 6 months of breast-feeding, but it could happen earlier.
to be in safer side use protection till you are ready for a family planning.

6) Post Pregnancy: When will i return to my normal weight?
During birth, you lose weight. however, there may still be some scope for weight loss, depending on how much weight you gained during pregnancy.the extra fab will be removed by good life style followed by you.
losing this weight takes time. it takes most mothers 8 to 12 months to return to their normal weight.
losing the weight slowly is healthy and natural.the key is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. If you
are breast-feeding, you should make sure you are still eating at-least 1800 Calories a day.

7) Post pregnancy: when should i visit my doctor again after pregnancy?
Call you Doctor if :-
  • You have a fever over 100.4 deg F(38 deg Celsius)
  • You have unusual abdominal or genital pain.
  • you have increased pain, swelling, redness, or discharge from an edisiotomy or c-section cuts
  • you are bleeding through more than 1 pad per hour.
  • the discharge from you vagina smells bad.
  • you pass clots the size of a plum or larger.
  • your breast are red or warm, or there is an unusual discharge from the nipples.
  • you are unable to empty your bladder, or you feel a burning pain when you urinate.
  • your legs are tender or red.
  • you have felt depressed for more than 2 to 3 days.
  • or any-kind of discomfort that is troubling you.

8) Post Pregnancy:- Stem cell, secure your baby with stem cell preservation
some important points to keep in mind about stem cell preservation:-
  • The storage of umbilical cord blood stem cell is an assurance that whenever need a potentially life-saving cord blood transplant for your child or any family member, your child's cord blood is readily available.
  • The umbilical cord blood is rich with stem cell that can differentiate into blood and immune system as well as heart, brain, spinal, pancreatic tissue etc.
  • Stem cells have the power to regenerate, repair or replace damaged cells in the body.
  • stem cells protect your child and family from incurable disease like leukemia, thalassemia and trails are in progress in Alzheimer's disease, cartilage regeneration, diabetes, heart disease , liver disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury, stroke etc.
9) Some basic tips for Newborn Baby Clothes
Congratulations! It must be very exciting to buy newborn baby clothes.If you are planning to buy new born baby cloths please make sure you have this points before making a final decision.It's a fun activity! Everything is so teeny tiny and you can't help but pile your shopping cart to the brim! While this special event can be a blast, there a few important things that you should know before you take the plunge into your favorite baby store. I am going to give you some great tips to be aware of when you are shopping for your baby's brand new wardrobe. In this article, we will discuss pre-washed baby clothing, organic vs. non-organic, materials, tags vs. tag-less, zipper guards, buttons, prices, and more. You can jot these down in shorthand so that you can them readily available on your shopping spree.

Think back to the last time you bought yourself something new to wear. Do you remember that itchy feeling that you got from the too-stiff new clothing item? Many babies are quite sensitive to the starchy feeling. It might make you feel really great to dress your baby in a new outfit straight from the store, however, it will feel awfully scratchy to him. Many brands pre-wash their clothing. Not only do the clothes have that soft, comfy touch to them, but you can also rest assured that the clothes won't fade during the first wash from a bright and lively color to a dull look.

Organic Baby Clothes

Buying organic clothes is a great way to introduce your child to a greener lifestyle at a young age. You can start by providing your baby’s essentials with earth friendly organic clothing. Each small step we make provides a healthier lifestyle for our children as well as improving the global community for their future. Your baby probably won't notice if he is wearing something made of organic materials or not, but it is still a great way to get started in making this your lifestyle.


You have to be really careful when you are choosing newborn baby clothes, as well as any clothing, while we are at it. Many of the cheaper clothing out there is made of cheaper materials. That's not always a bad thing, but it definitely comes into play regarding flame resistant materials. If the clothing is not flame resistant (usually polyester and the like) you have to be sure that the clothes are well fitted on your baby's body. Loose fitting garments are more likely to catch fire. Cotton is a great material for clothing. It is breathable and comfortable for the baby's skin. Some types of cottons are flame-resistant as well.

Clothes Tags

Tags are another important thing to know about. A lot of babies find that tag on the back of their necks very irritating and bothersome. One solution is to remove the tags from your newborn's clothing. When doing so, instead of cutting it, which will leave some itchy remnants behind, remove the tags from the seam so that nothing will be left. Another option is to buy tagless clothes. To avoid the problem altogether, many companies have chosen to inscribe the important information, such as the brand name, size, materials, etc. directly onto the clothing itself. You can find the information in the same place as the tag, which is usually on the inside back near the neck.

Zipper Gaurd

Another great thing that is an amazing addition to newborn baby clothes is the zipper guard. Can you recall any time that you accidentally zippered your skin? Ouch! A zipper guard is a piece of cloth that is attached to clothing between the zipper and skin in order to protect the skin from getting caught in the zipper. Be sure to look for clothing with full-length zipper guards.


:- Be cautious of buttons on baby clothing. These cute little ornaments are actually a very dangerous choking hazard. If they are on areas of the clothing that are out of your baby's reach, be sure that they are securely fastened. (It is a good idea to check every so often as time goes on.) Ditch the clothes that have real buttons near the mouth.
Don't overspend. It's the worst thing you can do to yourself. As cute as that $75 something may look on your adorable newborn, it's not worth it. Babies outgrow their clothing so quickly that it's just not worth it to spend a fortune on their clothes. Shop the clearance racks dry and hit the malls during the major sales. Use coupons and order online. If there is something that you just can't pass up, check online first. It may be cheaper there. These are all great ways to save on your baby's clothing.

Now you have these great tips to keep handy while shopping for newborn baby clothes. Congratulations again and happy shopping!