Friday, March 11, 2011

what kind of food should i eat during preganacy?

eat foods high in iron and vitamin c ( vitamin c helps your body absorb iron). often, food that are high
in iron are also good sources of folic acid. foods that are rich in iron include liver, kidney, and red meat, dried beans, leafy green vegetables, dried fruits such as raisin, prunes and apricots, prune juice, bread, pasta , cereal, and other foods made from fortified enriched, or whole grains.
Calcium is one of the most important minerals you will need during pregnancy. special attention should be given to eating foods rich in calcium. an increase in dairy products such as milk , cheese , paneer and yogurt is an easy way to consume lots of calcium.
Other sources of calcium are, almonds, broccoli, figs, bananas and beans.
folic acid is another essential nutrients during pregnancy and helps the development of the baby's brain and spine. some excellent source of folic acid are dried beans, tofu and peanuts.
protein intake must also be increased during pregnancy.

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